Do you own a business or thinking of starting one?

Will your business name, logo and/or branding be an essential aspect of the business?

Then you NEED a trademark. Protect your business today.

What happens if you DON'T Trademark your brand? Here's a true story...
Before I was a lawyer, I was a graphic designer for 20 years. I designed websites and helped businesses market their brand with design and brand identity.
I had a client who spent several years and a lot of money building a HUGE brand selling women-based products. She had the CUTEST items for sale, and had an adorable business name.
Her and I spent hours together over two years designing her logo, website, putting all of that branding on get the picture. She grew to the point of having a 20,000 square foot building with merchandise.
Long story short, she calls me one day crying SO hard I could barely understand her. "I got taken to court and I lost my business name...Teshia, I lost everything. I have to start OVER."
Unfortunately, another business had already been using a business name similar to hers. It wasn't even exact! JUST SIMILAR! But it was similar enough, selling comparable items, and they had TRADEMARKED themselves with the federal TM office. My client was devastated.
She did eventually start over, but BOY, it was so hard watching her go through that process.
So, what does Trademark registration do?
Well, it files your business and/or brand with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and makes it so that if anyone starts a business or brand even remotely similar to yours, or is selling items even remotely similar to yours, you own the COMPLETE RIGHTS and can essentially put that other brand or business out.
It sounds terrible when you say it that way, and I'm sure you feel awful for my former client, but can you imagine being the OTHER guy?
You've spent YEARS and THOUSANDS of dollars building a brand with tons of merch, and a competitor comes along with something similar and is riding on your co-tails?
That's why we Trademark. That's why you PROTECT your BRAND. And you do it NOW before it's too late!
The trademark process can take many months to complete, and it is very hard to do without an attorney. It will likely cost you less than what you spend on bills for the month.
If you have any questions, or know anyone who needs a TM registration, or if YOU need one, please call, email, or message me today.


  TM LAW • Making your Legal Experience as EASY as POSSIBLE!™

TM Law LLC | 740-414-5155 | | Website and Graphic Design by Attorney Teshia Martin | COLUMBUS, OHIO 43068

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